A Comprehensive Guide on The Role of Neurologist

Neurologists treat conditions involving the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. They can diagnose and treat Parkinson’s disease, stroke, brain tumors, epilepsy, and other disorders.

They will begin by asking you about your symptoms and your medical history. They may also use imaging tests to get more information about your condition, like MRI or CT scans.


Some symptoms like pain, fatigue, limb weakness or numbness and loss of sensitivity in the skin (to cold or hot) can be signs of neurological disease. However, sometimes nothing abnormal shows up on the tests. These are called functional symptoms and can have many causes including a stress-related disorder, a sedentary lifestyle or bad habits.

A neurologist can help you get relief from functional symptoms, prescribe medications and/or physical and occupational therapy and refer you to a neurosurgeon for surgical treatment if necessary. They will ask you about your past medical history and do a clinical examination. They may also order blood, urine and other diagnostic tests like MRI or CT scans.

A neurologist is an expert in diagnosing problems that affect the brain, spinal cord and nervous system as a whole. They can treat many conditions that include seizures, headaches, incoordination and memory problems. They can also diagnose tremors and other movement disorders. They are also trained to evaluate a person’s reflexes, cognitive function and sensitivity.


A neurologist is usually the first specialist to see you if you have any problems related to your brain, spinal cord or nerves. They can work in outpatient or inpatient settings and are often referred by your primary care physician.

During your appointment, they’ll take a detailed history of your symptoms and do a physical exam. They’ll also order blood, urine or other fluid tests to help pinpoint the cause of your neurological symptoms. They may also use imaging tests like MRI, CT scans or PET scans.

The results of the tests can give a neurologist a diagnosis and tell them where your problem is located. They may prescribe medications, recommend physical or occupational therapy or refer you to other specialists if needed. It’s important to keep a record of your symptoms and to bring a list of questions with you to your appointment. You should also make sure to fill out any paperwork online ahead of time and arrange for a ride to your appointment if necessary.


Neurologists treat conditions and injuries that affect the nervous system. They can help patients manage pain and other symptoms, and they may recommend surgery or other treatments. Neurologists often work with a multidisciplinary team of doctors and healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care.

They may perform a physical exam to evaluate balance, coordination, reflexes, and vision, or they may order blood and urine tests. They also use imaging tests to detect or monitor conditions like stroke and brain tumors. They may inject medication or anesthetics into the spinal cord using a procedure called a lumbar puncture, and they can use nerve conduction studies to measure nerve function.

It’s important to see your primary care doctor if you have symptoms that might be related to the nervous system. Your doctor can help you decide if you need to see a neurologist and refer you if necessary. It’s a good idea to keep a record of your symptoms and bring them with you to the neurologist.


Neurologists play a critical role in planning long-term care for patients following a neurological injury. They manage complications like blood clots and contractures (persistent tightening of muscles or tendons).

To ensure a productive consultation with a neurologist, gather reports from other healthcare providers that relate to your symptoms and medical history. Prioritize the questions you’d like to ask your neurologist.

Then, prepare to describe your symptoms in detail — how often they occur and how long they’ve lasted. Be sure to include information about any medications you’re taking and their results.

Depending on your symptoms, the neurologist may recommend tests to help diagnose the cause of your symptoms. These could include X-rays, MRI or CT scans, EEG or EMG, nerve conduction studies, or blood tests. These tests are performed by Noran Clinic radiologists, neuropsychologists or one of our advanced practice providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants). In addition to the diagnostic workup, a neurologist will also explain the potential causes of your symptoms and available treatments for them.

Find your neurologist at:
Universal Neurological Care, P.A.
8823 San Jose Blvd Ste. 209, Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 404-7044