A Guide To Post-Dental Implant Recovery

Dental implants have become a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They can improve a patient’s appearance, chewing function and overall oral health, and help prevent other problems from developing. However, many patients are hesitant to undergo this treatment due to fears about the recovery and expense. To help ease these concerns, we’ve put together this guide to dental implant recovery so that you can have a better understanding of what to expect during this process.

The first step in the process is a comprehensive dental exam. This involves taking X-rays and 3D images of your mouth and jaw, as well as making models of your teeth. This information will allow us to identify the amount of bone left in your jaw, as well as any other issues that may arise during treatment.

Next, we’ll discuss your desired outcome and establish a treatment plan. In the past, dental implants were only used for those with enough bone remaining to support them, but advances in diagnostics and bone reconstruction have allowed us to use them for almost anyone. We’ll also look at your medical history to make sure you don’t have any conditions that could interfere with healing after the surgery.

During the dental implant surgery itself, you’ll receive local anaesthetic to reduce the sensation of pain, and most people report little to no discomfort at all. If you do have any discomfort or anxiety, we can give you a sedative to help calm your nerves.

Once your implant is in place, we’ll attach a crown to it, which will be custom-made to match the colour and shape of your surrounding natural teeth so that it’s virtually indistinguishable from them. The dental implant itself is made from titanium, which integrates with the jawbone to create a strong, sturdy replacement tooth that won’t shift or come loose over time.

In addition to the cosmetic and functional benefits of dental implants, they’re also a much safer option than other restorative treatments like dentures. In fact, dental implants are the only restorative treatment that can prevent other teeth from shifting out of place in the gap created by a lost tooth.

While it’s normal for other teeth to shift position over time, this can lead to a host of issues, including bite problems and TMJ syndrome. In addition to causing pain, these problems can also impact the quality of your smile and cause further damage to your health. Dental implants prevent other teeth from moving into the empty space and preserve your natural bone, which helps to prevent additional loss of healthy tissue. They can also prevent other teeth from needing treatment later to replace them, saving you both time and money. Dental implants are an excellent investment in your long-term oral health and your self-confidence. Talk to your dentist today to learn more about the procedure.